
December, 17, Research Grant (BI)

Research Grants in civil Engineering, to join to the SeismicPRECAST research project at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of Polytechnic of Leiria.

Job Requirements: Master degree in Civil Engineering.

More details:
Workplace: Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Leiria, Portugal
Application deadline: 2 January 2019

August, 27 – Postdoctoral position in Civil Engineering

POSTDOCTORAL position in Civil Engineering, to join to the SeismicPRECAST research project at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of Polytechnic of Leiria. The project aims to perform the assessment of the seismic safety of existing precast concrete structures and the development of innovative seismic reinforcement solutions of this type of construction.

Job Requirements: Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering.

More details:…
Workplace: Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Leiria, Portugal
Application deadline: 13 September 2018

April, 6 – KICK OFF

The Seismic_PRECAS research project started on April, 1st. We welcome visitors from every part of the world. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.