Sesión de apertura (viernes, 4 de maio – 9h30)
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Douglas Angus
I have had throughout my career a commitment to the improvement of quality of education delivered in schools. This has led me to work consistently at updating and upgrading my own subject qualifications (I have four post-graduate degrees and diplomas), my wider skills (I have a number of ICT and sport qualifications), and at helping others to develop their skills and expertise.
I was a Development Officer in Modern Languages for the Higher Still Development Unit which reorganised all Scotland’s formal school qualifications from 1996 to 2001, and worked on tailoring the curriculum to meet the needs of students from Access 3 level to Advanced Higher. I was then appointed Higher Still Development Unit National Trainer in Modern Languages, explaining and helping manage the changes I had been involved in producing to teachers across Scotland.
I have worked extensively in staff development: I have also completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Management. I was for a number of years a Trade Union Secretary for the teachers’ union, the EIS. Through this role, I was involved in consultation on and implementation of significant changes to structures and working patterns, and helped in involving staff in these processes, in a supportive role. I was also for a time elected to be a member of the General Teaching Council, (Scotland). Throughout this time, I continued to be a teacher of languages.
As a Quality Improvement Officer, I worked extensively with head teachers, councillors, the Inspectorate, and a variety of colleagues not directly involved in teaching. My role was to inspect schools and suggest ways that schools and individual teachers could improve outcomes for their learners. I currently work in a number of areas, helping learners of languages to achieve more and supporting teachers in their personal and professional development.
- 2017- appointed British Council Ambassador to support school and local authorities develop international education and support Erasmus+ and eTwinning
- 2015-present Coordinator of Scottish team involved in Erasmus+ project, MCCPD
- 2011-present Working for SCHOLAR Unit, Heriot Watt University as tutor and author of support materials
- 2002-present Author of a series of textbooks to prepare Scottish school pupils for external examinations in French, German and Spanish
- 2007-2010 Quality Improvement Officer: role involves inspecting schools, in my case with particular responsibilities for Assessment
- 2005-2007 Council member on GTCS, member of Disciplinary Committee, Policy and Strategy Committee, Vice Convener of Exceptional Admissions Register Committee
- 2004-2010 Member of Local Authority Peer Reviewer team
- Member of Local Authority CPD steering group
- 2002-2007 Local Authority Secretary for EIS in Scottish Borders. Teacher Representative on Council Education Executive.
- 2002–2007 Subject Coordinator for Modern Languages, SBC. Specialist Group supervising Higher Still development in ML
- Until 2007 Teacher of Modern Languages in England, Germany, Scotland and France
Conferencia Plenaria (sábado, 5 de maio – 9h30)
António Eduardo Veyrier Valério Maduro (Instituto Universitário da Maia- Portugal)
Professor da Escola Secundária Francisco Rodrigues Lobo e do Instituto Universitário da Maia. Doutorado em História Contemporânea pela Universidade de Coimbra. Investigador do Centro de Estudos Disciplinares (CEDTUR-CETRAD/UTAD) e do Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (CHSC/FLUC). Secretário da revista PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Património Cultural (Universidad de La Laguna/ISMAI). Tem diversos livros e capítulos de livros publicados e artigos em atas e revistas de especialidade. A investigação centra-se, essencialmente, na temática da História Rural e do Património Industrial.
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