
Rules for Articles

1. Title and author (s): Alignment centered: Title of the article (upper case, in bold.
Name (s) of Author (s). Institution / Institution of Membership

2. Summary: Times New Roman font, body 10, maximum 200 words,
Right and left margin of 3 cm; Line spacing, alignment
Justified, paragraph advance of 1 cm to the right and left;

3. Body text: Times New Roman font, size 12, right margin, and
Left of 3 cm, and upper and lower of 3 cm, spacing between lines 1,5; not of
Spacing between paragraphs (0 points); Justified alignment; Advance of the first
1 cm paragraph line; Titles and subtitles. Maximum of 15 pages
(Including bibliography, tables, figures, tables or annexes).

4. Language: Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

5. Article length: minimum 10 pages, maximum 15 pages.

6. Bibliographic citations and / or references indicated in the body of the text (Author, year, Page / s eg: (Sobral, 1992, p.30).

7. Footnotes numbered sequentially, placed on the page itself.

8. Bibliographical references arranged in alphabetical order according to the system
Author / date / title / city / publisher. Book or Journal titles, where articles are published, in italics.
Authors should not be capitalized. Single spacies between lines.
Font size 10. (See APA Rules, 6th edition – required)