

Registration type Conference Fees
until July 31, 2019 after July 31, 2019
Master or Bachelor student (*) € 50 € 75
PhD student with paper (*) € 75 € 100
Endorser member  (**) € 150 € 175
Regular Registration € 175 € 200
Conference Dinner € 40 € 40


(*) Student registration fee: full-time students only. Student rate attendees must send an e-mail to the conference secretariat with a letter from their Department Head/Chair that states that the attendee is a full-time student, with full contact details.
(**) Members of  Ordem dos Engenheiros, Ordem dos Engenheiros Técnicos: (only applicable to the association members that have paid the 2019 membership at the time of the registration).

Additional information:
• Registration fees include: congress proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch.
• Final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author up to September 15, 2019. This is a requirement to have the presentation included in the Congress program and proceedings.
• Each registration only allows for two oral presentations.