Authors are invited to submit their abstracts on any topic of CIAC2019.
Abstract Submission
After notification of acceptance for presentation at the CIAC2019, the corresponding author should prepare a final version of the communication taking into account the assessments made by the reviewers of the scientific committee.
The author may choose to submit an extended abstract of at least 2 pages or by submitting an article (minimum of 4 pages, including figures, tables, and references). The communication should be written in English or Portuguese, using the formatting instructions indicated in the model available and ensuring the absence of grammatical or spelling errors. It should clearly indicate its main technical/scientific contribution, as well as the problems, domains or environments in which it is applicable. If the author chooses to submit an article, it will be considered for publication.
The final version of the article (or extended abstract) should be submitted electronically through the file submission system of the congress in (easychair link), respecting the template available.