CDRSP researchers present at conference in Leiria Hospital center
The Research Center of the Leiria Hospital Center invited several partner institutions to talk about partnership projects at its sixth conference. The conference took place on July 5 at the auditorium of Santo André Hospital in Leiria.
With the theme “Research in CHL – projects in partnership with other institutions”, the CI / CHL conference was attended by Sara Biscaia and Pedro Morouço, from the Center for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development of the Polytechnic of Leiria (CDRSP / IPLeiria ), Maria Dixe, Maria Guarino and Rui Pinto, Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology (ciTechCare / IPLeiria), and Sérgio Faria, Institute of Telecommunications (IT / IPLeiria).
The six speakers showed the main lines of the research projects. The CDRSP was represented by Sara Biscaia who presented the project “insitu.Biomas” and by Pedro Morouço the “2bio4cartilage”.