20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry

Nuno Alves and Paula Faria are attending the 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry from 18 to 22 of June 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. This International Conference is organized by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and is devoted to enforce the interaction between academy and industry, leading to innovations in both fields. The event attracts leading experts from business, science and academia, and have promoted the application of novel mathematical technologies to industry. ECMI 2018 further enhance multidisciplinary research and development both in academia and industry, leading to the formulation of challenging real-life problems, where mathematics may provide significant new insights and at the same time may be inspired by those interactions.



Caption from left to the right:


Manuel Cruz – President of the PT-Math-IN, ISEP, LEMA – Laboratory of Mathematics Engineering


Adérito Araújo – President of the ECMI, FCT-UC, LCM – Laboratory for Computational Mathematics


Paula Faria – CDRSP/ESTG – IPLeiria


Nuno Alves – CDRSP/ ESTG – IPLeiria