JMMP special issue on developments in Direct Digital Manufacturing
We are pleased to annouce that the Journal of Manufacturing and Material Processes has launched a special issue on developments in Direct Digital Manufacturing.
The Journal of Manufacturing and Material Processes is an open access journal which is indexed by Scopus, currently it has a Cite Score of 2.
Direct digital manufacturing is a family of emerging technologies that enables products to be fabricated directly from a digital definition without the use of tooling
or molds. This Special Issue will focus on research related to new digital manufacturing processes and related material transformations, including the adding of in-line
monitoring to existing digital manufacturing technologies.
Contributions that focus on new materials for digital manufacturing and on new applications of digitally manufactured parts will be particularly welcome, as well as
developments that draw digital manufacturing and the principles of the circular economy together.
The following topics are within the scope of this Special Issue:
- Manufacturing—all digital technologies, new applications, new technologies and the addition of closed feedback to existing technologies
- Predictive modeling of materials throughout the manufacturing cycle
- Enhanced and controlled material transformation using digital technologies
- Design of new equipment for digital manufacturing
- Methods, especially in-line assessment and control of quality
- Intelligent material processing for improved material properties
We particular welcome ms from authors who presented at the ICDDMAP2021, the International Conference on Direct digital Manufacturing and Polymers held earlier this year online
Please submit you ms by the JMMP portal, we look forward to reviewing and editing your mss.
Geoffrey Mitchell, Nuno Alves and Mahdadevappa Kariduraganavar
Guest Editors for this special issue of JMMP