Professor Nuno Alves and Professor Geoffrey Mitchell participated in the 2019 International Workshop on Materials and Design (MatDes 2019)
“Over the last weekend in March 2019 which was held at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford in Oxford, United Kingdom which ran alongside the 9th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials. Professor Nuno presented CDRSP Work on “Numerical simulations of new polymer based biomimetic inspired materials” and Professor Geoffrey present recent CDRSP work titled “Designing new Polymer based Biomimetic Inspired Materials using direct digital manufacturing”. Both attracted [+]
Professor Geoffrey Mitchell, Vice-Director of CDRSP, has accepted the role as the Chair of a new international conference to be held in Lisbon in 2020.
This is the annual leading, polymer science and composite materials conference. The conference will be held in the Lisbon historical and financial capital Portugal during February 26-28, 2020. While choosing our venue we kept availability of best possible facilities and ease of access in mind. We hope our attendees will appreciate our selection of venue and date. polymer connect offers a wonderful opportunity for all the Scientists, Academicians, Lab [+]
Volume 890 of Applied Mechanics and Materials has been published by Scientific.Net
Volume 890 of Applied Mechanics and Materials has been published by Scientific.Net This Special Volume was edited by the Direction Board of CDRSP, Professor Geoffrey Mitchell, Professor Nuno Alves and Professor Artur Mateus and contains selected papers from the 2nd Edition of the International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers 2017 held in Marinha Grande. The presented papers consider aspects of using the Direct Digital Manufacturing technologies [+]
Mathematics hand in hand with Industry
Last 3rd of April at CDRSP-IPLeiria the International Workshop FromINDUSTRY – PreESGI 2019 took place. Several companies from different regions of Portugal presented industrial challenges where Mathematics can play a strong role in finding solutions. Some of this challenges will be selected for being solved in the next 155th edition of the European Study Group with Industry that this year is organized by CDRSP and the Department of Mathematics [+]
CDRSP received the visit of students and professors from ISEL, Polytechnic of Lisbon
On the 13rd of march, CDRSP received the visit of students and professors of the Bachelors Course on Mathematics Applied to Technology and Enterprise from ISEL, Polytechnic of Lisbon, Portugal.