
The Vice-Director of CDRSP, Professor Mitchell, has been invited to the major International Conference ELECTROSTATICS 2019 in Manchester, UK

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

The Vice-Director of CDRSP, Professor Mitchell has been invited to the major international conference Electrostatics 2019, to be held in Manchester, UK  to present the prestigious Bill Bright Memorial Lecture with the title “Electrospinning: Principles, Practice and Possibilities”. Professor Mitchell is an expert in the field of electrospinning and in 2015 the Royal Society of Chemistry published a book edited by Professor Mitchell titled titled “Electrospinning: Principles, Practice and [+]

Seminar | 19 April, 12h00 | Industrial Mathematics: a key technology for driving innovation

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Mathematics underpins all of modern science and technology. However, advances in mathematical research are not always applied to maximum advantage in industry. Since 2007, the mathematical community in Portugal has been promoting, on a yearly basis, study groups with industry. The purpose of these one-week meetings is to strengthen the links between academia and industry by using mathematics to tackle the challenges proposed by the industrial partners. Irrespectively or [+]

Seminário CDRSP – 29 de Março 2017 – 12h

Friday, March 10th, 2017

AVALIAÇÃO DA FIABILIDADE EM ESTRUTURAS DE BETÃO ARMADO REFORÇADAS COM FRP   A fiabilidade estrutural considera o tratamento das incertezas que podem levar ao colapso de estruturas. A contribuição desta área na análise de estruturas existentes permite avaliar o risco inerente ao património edificado, incluindo em estruturas de betão armado, considerando: o património estrutural já edificado, que devido a vários fenómenos de envelhecimento apresenta tempos de vida úteis mais [+]

Mr. Ian Goldring – Lead Expert of the URBACT Jobtown2 Program visited CDRSP

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

On February 7, 2017, Mr. Ian Goldring – Lead Expert of the URBACT Jobtown2 Program and members of the Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Leiria (CIMRL) – visited CDRSP. CIMRL is integrating an application under the URBACT III Program for the financing of entrepreneurship activities in schools and training of the Employment and Youth Entrepreneurship Support Network in the territory. This joint project started from an invitation made [+]

CDRSP receives a visit from the delegation of representatives of the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará (FIEC)

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

Sampaio de Sousa Filho – President of the Union of Metallurgical Industries and Electrical Material in the State of Ceará André Siqueira – President of Sindialimentos (Union of Food Industries and Balanced Meals of the State of Ceará) Marcos Soares – President of Sindiquimica (Union of Workers in Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Mattress and Plastic Materials and Insulation Products of Ceará) Tarcisio Pequeno – President of the Cearense Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development Support [+]