Papers in Conference Proceedings
Dias, J.R., Antunes, F., Mitchell, G.R., Bártolo, P.J., “Optimization of electrospun PCL fibres for tissue engineering”, International Conference on Additive Technologies, Maribor, Slovenia, 2012
Almeida, H.A., Bartolo, P.J. – “Comparison between experimental compressive data and numerical simulations of bioextruded polymer scaffolds for tissue engineering applications”, 5th International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB5), Aveiro, Portugal, 2012
Almeida, S.R., Almeida, H.A., Bartolo, P.J. – “Vascular simulation of polymer degrading scaffolds within bioreactors”, 5th International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB5), Aveiro, Portugal, 2012
Gibson, I., Mateus, A., Bártolo, P.J., “RAPIDPRE: A new additive manufacturing technique based on reaction injection moulding”, 3rd International Conference on Additive Technologies, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 2011
Loaiza, M.C., Sabino, M., Bártolo, P.J., Domingos, M., Müller, “Obtención de andamios biodegradables mediante bioextrusion”, X Congreso Venezolano de Química, Vargas, Venezuela, 2011
Almeida, H.A., Bártolo, P.J., “Comportamento vascular de scaffolds baseaos em superfícies triplas”, Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia 2011/Numerical Methods in Engineering 2011, Edited by A. Tadeu et al, APMTAC, 2011
Loaiza, M.C., Bártolo, P.J., Domingos, M., Müller, A.J., Sabino, M., “Obtención de andamios biodegradables mediante bioextrusion”, XIV Coloquio Venezolano de Polimeros, Naiguatá, Venezuela, 2011
Mitchell, G.R., Bártolo, P.J., Jardini, A., Filho, R.M., Sperrin, M., “Polyurethanes based on natural materials for medical devices”, EUPOC 2011, Biobased Polymers and Related Biomaterials, Lake Garda, Italy, 2011
Craveiro, F., Matos, J., Bártolo, H., Bártolo, P.J., “Automatisation de la construction de bâtiments”, European Forum on Rapid Prototyping, Paris, France, 2011
Patrício, T., Domingos, M., Gloria, A., Mitchell, G., Bártolo, P.J., “PCL and PCL/PLA scaffolds for tissue engineering”, European Forum on Rapid Prototyping, Paris, France, 2011