Papers in Conference Proceedings
Erkoç, E., Ashar, M., Gomes, N., Santos, R.J., Dias, M.N., Gouveia, A.F., Quadros, P.A., Mateus,A.J., Bártolo, P.J. and Lopes, J.C.B.-“Active mixing strategies for reaction injection moulding”, Rapid Product Development Conference, “Designing the Industry of the Future” (RPD2008), Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal, 2008
Almeida, H. and Bártolo, P.J.-“Comparison of biomanufacturing technologies to produce scaffolds for tissue engineering”, Rapid Product Development Conference, “Designing the Industry of the Future” (RPD2008), Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal, 2008
Mota, C., Almeida, H., Bártolo, P.J., Mateus, A. and Ferreira, N.-“Bioextrusion”, Rapid Product Development Conference, “Designing the Industry of the Future” (RPD2008), Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal, 2008
Monteiro, J.B., Vasco, J.C., Bártolo, P.J. and Oliveira, P.-“Laser-milling of non-conventional materials for advanced applications”, Rapid Product Development Conference, “Designing the Industry of the Future” (RPD2008), Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal, 2008
Almeida, H. and Bártolo, P.J.-“Biomanufacturing technologies and biomaterials used to produce scaffolds for tissue engineering”, 2nd International Conference on Additive Technologies (ICAT2008), Ptuj, Slovenia, 2008
Domingos, M., Chiellinin, F., Bártolo, P.J., and Chiellini, E.-“Polycaprolactone scaffolds for tissue engineering applications fabricated via bioextrusion”, Multidisciplinary Conference, University of Pisa, Italy, 2008
Almeida, H. and Bártolo, P.J.-“Rapid prototyping scaffolds for tissue engineering: porosity vs mechanical behaviour”, 20th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering, Glasgow, UK, 2007
Rezende, R.A., Bártolo, P.J., Mendes, A. and Maciel Filho, R.- “Viscoelastic behaviour of 3D alginate scaffolds produced by rapid prototyping”, International Conference on Polymers&Moulds Innovations, Ghent, Belgium, 2007
Almeida, H., Bártolo, P.J. and Ferreira, J.C.-“Computer simulation of the mechanical behaviour of rapid prototyping scaffolds for tissue engineering”, International Conference on Polymers&Moulds Innovations, Ghent, Belgium, 2007
Martinho, P.G., Bártolo, P.J. and Pouzada, A.S.-“Efficient design solutions for hybrid moulds and the widening of the lifecycle of injection moulds”,International Conference on Polymer&Moulds Innovations, Ghent, Belgium, 2007