Papers in Conference Proceedings
Sandra Amado, Anabela Correia Martins and Veronica Schiariti (2016). Functional domains for children and youth with CP in Portugal: comparative study based on the ICF Core Sets for CP, International Conference on Cerebral Palsy and other Childhood-onset Disabilities, Stockholm.
Sandra Amado, Claudia Verissimo, José Alves-Guerreiro, Luis Carrão, Nuno Morais and Veronica Schiariti (2016). Applying the ICF Core Sets for children and youth with CP in Community-Based Rehabilitation programs in Malawi, International Conference on Cerebral Palsy and other Childhood-onset Disabilities, Stockholm.
Sandra Amado, Vasco Ferreira, Joao Aguiar, Nadine Gomes, Ana Santos, Raquel Faustino, Ana Fragoso and Veronica Schiariti (2016). Applying the ICF Core Sets for children and youth with CP in Portugal: a case series, International Conference on Cerebral Palsy and other Childhood-onset Disabilities, Stockholm.
Espirito-Santo., L, Ferreira, V., Espiríto-Santo, P. (2016). Os efeitos da liderança na gestão de produtos e processos através da gestão do conhecimento: um estudo comparativo entre empresas industriais e de comércio, Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica, Idanha—Nova, Portugal.
Raimundo Felismina, Miguel Silva, Artur Mateus, Cândida Malça (2016). Direct Digital Manufacturing: A Challenge to the Artistic Glass Production, MDA 2016 International Conference on Materials Design and Applications.
C. Malça, P. Beirão, R. Felismina (2016). Study of the influence of design parameters on the structural behavior of a point absorber wave energy converter using a finite element approach, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2016), Lisboa, Portugal.
P. Morouço, C. Moura and N. Alves (2016). Engineering Biomaterials and Processes for Tissue Repair and Regeneration, BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology, Dalian, China.
Forte, P., Marinho, D. A., Morouço, P. G., & Barbosa, T. (2016). CFD analysis of head and helmet aerodynamic drag to wheelchair racing, Technology and Innovation in Sports, Health and Wellbeing (TISHW).
Biscaia, S., Viana, T., Bártolo, P., Almeida, H. (2015). Scaffolds com fibras e partículas naturais para aplicações em Engenharia de Tecidos, ISBN 978-972-8793-74-6.
Viana T., Biscaia S., Mateu A., Malça C. (2015). Reforço de um biocompósito de policaprolactona e Hidroxiapatite com nanofibras de celulose para aplicação médica, ISBN 978-972-8793-74-6.