Papers in Conference Proceedings
Espirito-Santo., L, Ferreira, V., Espiríto-Santo, P. (2016). Os efeitos da liderança na gestão de produtos e processos através da gestão do conhecimento: um estudo comparativo entre empresas industriais e de comércio, Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica, Idanha-Nova.
Ferreira V., Nascimento, J. (2016). S Eco-Innovation and Strategy at DELL, GBATA International Conference 2016 Proceedings.
C. Malça, M. Sena, C. Santos, A. Mateus (2016). Application of cellular lattice structures in the injection moulds manufacturing, Proceedings of the European Advanced Materials Congress (EAMC2016), Stockholm, Sweden.
João Lopes, Henrique Almeida, Sandra Amado and Luís Carrão (2016). Muscular activity evaluation of a rally race car driver, 3rd IPLeiria International Health Congress organized by the Health Research Unit (UIS) of the IPLeiria School of Health Sciences, Leiria, Portugal.
Pedro Parreira, Cândida Malça and Daniela Mendes (2016). How innovation can reduce the immobility of bedridden?, Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Geoffrey Mitchell, Vidhura Mahendra, Artur Mateus and Sara Biscaia (2016). All green bio-based polymer composites based on products from the forest, Bio-based Polymers and Composites, Szeged, Hungary.
Luis Carrão, Rute Santos, Sandra Amado, Henrique Almeida, Paula Faria, Paulo Armada da Silva, António Veloso, Margarida Espanha (2016). Relationship Between Quadriceps Echo Intensity, Muscle Thickness and Pain Intensity In Aged Women With Knee Osteoarthritis, BioMedWomen-International Conference on Clinical and BioEngineering for Women’s Health, In Proceedings of the BioMedWomen-International Conference on Clinical and BioEngineering for Women’s Health, Porto, Portugal.
Pedro Parreira and Cândida Malça (2016). An innovation for people with restricted mobility: a new concept for wanderer, Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Ferreira V., Nascimento, J. (2016). S Eco-Innovation and Strategy at DELL, GBATA International Conference 2016 Proceedings.
Pereira, R., Sousa, A., Barrias, C., Granja, P., Bártolo, P. (2016). Effect of physicochemical properties and peptide ligands on fibroblasts embedded in dual crosslinked pectin hydrogels for skin repair, International Conference on New Advances in Probing Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions (CellMatrix), Berlin, Germany.