Papers in International Journals
N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli, A. Ursini and T. Van der Linden (2017). What is an ideal a zero-class of?, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, vol. (): (SJR index 0,647: 36/78 (Q2) in Algebra and Number Theory – 182/459 (Q2) in Applied Mathematics).
Morouço, P; Fernandes, C. (2017). Exercise, Tissue Engineering and Osteoarthritis: a stimulating triad, Journal of Aging Studies and Therapies, vol. (): (SJR índex: non-indexed).
Z. Janelidze and N. Martins-Ferreira (2017). Involution-rigidness — a new exactness property, and its weak version, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, vol. 16(): (SJR index 0,647: 36/78 (Q2) in Algebra and Number Theory – 182/459 (Q2) in Applied Mathematics).
David Ângelo, Florencio Monje, Raúl González-García, Christopher Little, Lisete Mónico, Mário Pinho, Fábio Santos, Belmira Carrapiço, Sandra Gonçalves, Pedro Morouço, Nuno Alves, Carla Moura, Yadong Wang, Eric Jeffries, Jin Gao, Rita Sousa, Lia Neto, Dani (2017). Bioengineered Temporomandibular Joint Disk Implants: Study Protocol for a Two-Phase Exploratory Randomized Preclinical Pilot Trial in 18 Black Merino Sheep (TEMPOJIMS), JMIR Res Protoc, vol. 6(3)(): (SJR índex: non-indexed).
Jácome, C., Cruz, J., Oliveira, A. and Marques, A. (2016). Validity, reliability and ability to identify fall status of the Berg Balance Scale, BESTest, Mini-BESTest and Brief-BESTest in COPD, Physical Therapy, vol. 96(11): 1807-15 (SJR index 1,193: 16/169 (Q1) in Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation).
Cruz, J. and Morais, N. (2016). Intrarater Agreement of Elbow Extension Range of Motion in the Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1 Using a Smartphone Application, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 97(11): 1880-1886 (SJR index 1,433: 10/169 (Q1) in Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation – 3/115 (Q1) in Rehabilitation).
Shadmehr, A., Sarafraz, H., Bolooki, M., Jalaei, S.H. and Morais, N. (2016). Reliability, Agreement, and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Modified Lateral Scapular Slide Test, Manual Therapy, vol. 24(): 18-24 (SJR index 0,999: 23/169 (Q1) in Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation).
Morais, N., Cruz, J. and Marques, A. (2016). Posture and mobility of the upper body quadrant and pulmonary function in COPD: an exploratory study, Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, vol. 20(4): 345-354 (SJR index non-indexed).
Morais, N. and Cruz, J. (2016). The pectoralis minor muscle and shoulder movement-related impairments and pain: Rationale,assessment and management, Physical Therapy in Sport, vol. 17(): 1-13 (SJR index 1,114: 20/169 (Q1) in Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation – 40/240 (Q1) in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine).
Marques, A., Almeida, S., Carvalho, J., Cruz, J., Oliveira, A. and Jácome, C. (2016). Reliability, Validity and Ability to Identify Fall Status of the BESTest, Mini-BESTest, and Brief-BESTest in Older People Living in the Community, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 97(): 2166-73 (SJR index 1,433: 10/169 (Q1) in Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation – 3/115 (Q1) in Rehabilitation).
Figueiredo, D., Cruz, J., Jácome, C. and Marques, A. (2016). Exploring the benefits to carers of a family-oriented pulmonary rehabilitation programme, Respiratory Care, vol. 61(8): 1081-9 (SJR index 0,777: 21/86 (Q1) in Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine).