2019 ESFLA Geoff Thompson Young Scholar Bursary
was granted to Sara Vilar-Such, from University of East Anglia, UK.
Congratulations, Sara!
In honour of Geoff Thompson’s immense contributions to systemic functional linguistics, the European Systemic Functional Linguistics Association sponsors a bursary each year for the European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference. The bursary provides support for a young scholar whose conference paper shows exceptional scholarship within Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Applications for 2019
We are offering one bursary for a student presenting at the 29th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference (2019, Leiria, Portugal). The bursary covers the conference fee. Travel cost and accommodation are also covered up to €200 (receipts must be provided). To be eligible, you must be a current Ph.D. student and have a paper accepted for the conference, for which you are the sole author.
To apply
Send an email, by March 30, 2019, to the ESFLA Chair (esfla-chair@esfla.org), including:
- a copy of the acceptance email from the conference;
- the title and abstract of the paper as they are to appear in the program – as a Word document, anonymised (your name removed);
- A Word document containing an explanation of how your paper further works within SFL (also anonymised).
- Proof of current Ph.D. status.
The GT Bursary awardee will be notified by April 15, 2019. Anyone wishing to make a contribution to the GT Bursary is welcome to do so at this link.