We welcome papers on any issue of semiotic description from an SFL perspective, but we particularly expect papers on the following subthemes or areas of research, deriving either from investigation at the potential pole of the cline of instantiation or at the instance pole:
- Multiliteracies: making meaning in different cultural, social or domain-specific contexts combining written-linguistic modes with oral, visual, audio, gestural, tactile and spatial patterns of meaning;
- Professional discourse: the use of language and other semiotic systems in the workplace and other organizational contexts;
- Education: research in first/foreign language education, language and content integrated learning, knowledge about language, specialized knowledge, genre pedagogy, grammar education;
- Language typology: descriptions of particular languages identifying generalizations based on the languages described as well as on other languages.
Plenary Speakers
– Gunther Kress, University College London, UK
– James R. Martin, University of Sydney, Australia
– Mariana Achugar, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
– Srikant Sarangi, Aalborg University, Denmark
We invite proposals in English for paper presentations, colloquia and posters. Abstracts for paper and poster proposals should include title, a maximum of 200 words and 5 keywords. Abstracts for colloquia proposals should include a general description of the colloquium purpose (maximum 100 words), and individual descriptions of the papers to be presented (maximum 200 words each). All abstracts must be submitted using Easychair. The platform will be open for proposal submission from November 2018 until 25 January 2019.
- Abstracts due: 25 January 2019
- Acceptance of notification: 8 March 2019
- Early Bird Registration: until 20 April 2019
- Regular Registration: until 15 May 2019
Location: The Conference, which will be preceded by an Institute, will be held in Leiria, a charming and historical city situated in the centre of Portugal, one and a half hours drive distance from Lisbon, and two hours from Oporto. More specifically, the Conference takes place at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, in the heart of the city, at the School of Technology and Management. The Pre-Conference Institute (1-2 July 2019) will take place at the School of Education and Social Sciences.
Travel: Regular daily coaches provide transport from Lisbon and Oporto. Both these cities are served by international airports with direct flights from major European cities, and several capital cities from the rest of the world. For further information on coach travel from Lisbon and Oporto to Leiria, please refer to the site of the Public Company “Rede Expressos”: https://www.rede-expressos.pt/en/.
Organization: The event is hosted at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria) by Marta Filipe Alexandre and a local Organizing Committee. Institutionally, the event is jointly organized by the School of Education and Social Sciences of IPLeiria, the School of Technology and Management of IPLeiria, and the Centre for General and Applied Linguistic Studies (CELGA-ILTEC) of the University of Coimbra.
Organizing Committee: Marta Filipe Alexandre (host); Ângela Quaresma; Carlos A. M. Gouveia; Carminda Silvestre; Fausto Caels; Fernanda Botelho; Inês Conde; Luís Filipe Barbeiro; Maria Gorete Marques; Mafalda Mendes.
Contact: esflc2019@ipleiria.pt