Workshop 2

Tuesday, July, 2

(total duration: 3h30m)
Professor Mariana Achugar
Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Critical Discourse Analysis and History: linking research, teaching and activism

In this seminar, we will explore the dialectics of understanding the present through the past and the past through the present through critical discourse analysis. This approach to understanding our social world is an indirect type of knowing that depends on the interpretation of semiotic traces. From this perspective, the study of sign systems is integrated to that of social systems. Socio-semiotics also has a critical perspective that links the comprehension of discourses to a moral imperative. This type of critical discourse analysis links research, teaching and activism.The seminar will provide a hands-on experience analyzing film as a semiotic mediating tool for the transmission of recent pasts debated in the present. We will integrate the multi-scalar analysis of time and space with discourse analysis tools (intertextuality, recontextualization and resemiotization). This analysis will be used as evidence for a historical interpretation and the design of interventions in the public sphere.