“Checkout IMFS in April, a one day session focused on Digital Design and Manufacturing.”
Great line up of keynote speakers and there are some speakers slots available. Participation in free but requires prior registration. Direct Digital Manufacturing is a family of technologies which is able to product products directly from a digital definition without the use of moulds or other complex tooling. These technologies directly enable the possibility of personalisation of the form and function of a product at the point of [+]
Erasmus K+ SoftAware Project develop open online courses
Erasmus K+ SoftAware Project develop open online courses to equip students with basic understanding of software products, software design and development process, software project management and design complexities. Target groups: HE students from partner universities’s faculties and across Europe and HE Teachers and other academic staff. SoftAware Team: Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Public Institution Kaunas Science and Technology [+]
Circular Seas 4th Workshop will take place on the 15th of February.
We invite you to joins us in an online workshop focused on the Circularseas project which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme. CircularSeas aims at promoting the Green Economy by encouraging the development of eco-innovative or green products, parts and components for the Maritime Industries. The strategy is a combination of the Circular Economy Principles, with the use of Ocean Plastic [+]
“Checkout IMFS in March, a one day session focused on Food and Direct Digital Manufacturing.”
Great line up of keynote speakers and there are some speakers slots available. Participation in free but requires prior registration. Submit your abstract today, abstracts reviewed as they arrive , so submit early to secure a speaker slot. https://imfs.ipleiria.pt/submit-abstract/ Find out more info – imfs.ipleiria.pt
SoftAware project participated in ALTA’20
Last week the representatives of the SoftAware project’s team (Tomas Blažauskas, KTU, LT, Živilė Paužaitė, Kauno MTP, LT Catarina I. Reis, IPLeiria, PT Yiannos Gregoriou, PXC, CY) participated in an online international conference: ALTA’20 “Advanced Learning Technologies and Applications. Short Learning Programmes” The presentation was made on a topic of “Open educational resources for software engineering studies” Conference website: https://ndma.lt/alta2020/en/about-the-conference/